Monday, August 12, 2013

Darth Vader Family Vacation

Narrator:        I’m sure you’ve heard that Disney paid big bucks for the Star Wars franchise. And that they are planning 3 new movies.
                 I thought I might cash in by suggesting the following prequel, “Darth Vader’s Family Vacation.”
                 Here I imagine the following characters appearing on this stage.
                 Darth Vader
Vader:           <breath, breath> I feel a disturbance in the force!
                 His wife, Marsha Vader
Marsha:          Probably that Ewok burrito you scarfed down on Brava 9. I told you it would come back to haunt you.
                 Their son, Luke
Luke:            Is daddy gonna stink up the car again?
                 Their daughter, Leia
Leia:            Not any more than your stinky acting already does.
Marsha:          Children, children, behave! We still have many light years to go before we get to grandma’s house.
Vader:           <breath, breath> So, tell me again why I’m spending my vacation driving the family to your mother’s planet... again?
Marsha:          As I’ve told you many times, she needs us to help her recover from her skull antenna replacement surgery.
Vader:           Serves me right for marrying a Martian.
Marsha:          What?
Vader:           You are my favorite Martian, Marsha, but that operation was so, long, long ago and your mother lives in a galaxy so far, far away.
Marsha:          Well, we should all be happy. After all, once we get there, we’re all going to celebrate your new promotion to Tax Evader.
Luke:            Tax Evader? I thought daddy was a Darth Vader!
Marsha:          Oh, Luke, (ha ha) that’s a long way off. First he must learn to be a Tax Evader, then a Tomb Raider before he can be a Darth Vader.
Leia:            I liked it better when daddy was an Ice Capader! All those cute uniforms he used to wear. Tell us again when you and daddy first met.
Marsha:          Well, way back when, daddy was a Crusader, having just been promoted from Space Invader.
Luke:            And what were you, mommy?
Marsha:          I was a barrista at Starbucks. And it was a difficult time: everyone was on strike against the Empire.
Leia:            Didn’t the empire strike back?
Marsha:          No, that came later, at first, the unions had a New Hope. So, there I was, a barrista at Starbucks, studying part time to be a light sabre laser surgery technician. When your daddy showed up all proud of himself in his new Crusader uniform. He was bringing back a malfunctioning nuclear espresso machine for a refund.
Vader:           Yes, it was the return of the Jedi.
Luke:            Was that before the accident, mommy?
Marsha:          Yes, that happened much later when daddy was a Ralph Nader. Turns out his space craft was unsafe at any speed, never mind light speed with set of naked, female Siamese triplets in the co-pilot’s seat. Hmphf
Vader:           <breath> That again. I’ve already said I’m sorry. Besides that was an awful time, seeing those female triplets. With them, it was ALWAYS that time of the month.
Luke:            So, mommy, first daddy was a Space Invader, then a Crusader, then a Ralph Nader, then an Ice Capader, and now he’s a Tax Evader?
Marsha:          Yes, dear.
Luke:            But before he can be a Darth Vader, he a has move up from Tax Evader to Tomb Raider?
Marsha:          Yes, Luke! Very good!
Luke:            Well, why couldn’t he be a Tomb Raider first, then a Tax Evader afterwards?
Vader:           <breath> Well, son, what would be the point of raiding tombs if you didn’t know how to hide your income from the tax collector?
Luke:            Oh, I get it. I think.
Leia:            Mommy! Daddy! Luke keeps poking my wookie with his light sabre!
Marsha:          Luke, don’t tease your sister. Put your light sabre away.
Luke:            Aw, mom!
Vader:           Behave you two, or I’ll put you up for adoption!
Marsha:          <gasp> Honey! Don’t speak to the children that way.
Vader:           I’m sorry. Look there’s Alderon, let’s stop at McDeathstar’s for some Jolly Meals.
Luke:            Yay! Can I get the one with the toy plasma cannon?
Marsha:          OK, as long as you keep it in the luggage hold till we get to grandma’s.
Luke:            Ah, mom, I never get to play with any weapons in the car.

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