Poor House Bistro, San Jose
I'm giving the sketches a rest and trying more traditional stand-up comedy, Johnny Carson style. This was my first time at the Poor House, and I was the only comedian who performed in the first 2 hours, the rest being musicians. You want to start out with a big local story, then go national, international, and then throw in a few celebrities from entertainment and sports to finish off. The Pope Francis bit got the biggest laughs. The bit about the crash at SFO went OK, although I was nervous about doing it. Overall I was very pleased.
The lines are spaced out to remind me where to pause and where to put emphasis. The red font is used for words where I was stumbling in practice so I would give them better preparation as they came up. I read from the scripts, I don't have time to memorize everything.
you, I’m David Kelly. Well, what’s going on in the world?
awful thing that happened over this
past weekend at the San
Francisco airport. I guess you all saw that. ...That Korean jumbo jet
crash landing. ...Those two teenage girls who died and all those injured people
at the hospital...
our hearts go out to
these folks and to their friends and families...
friends have also commented about just how many people survived. ...When you
see the video of the crash and the photos of the aftermath, you wonder how
anyone could have survived that. ...But all except two did survive. It gives
you renewed faith in the safety of these jumbo jets.
was some pilot error. ...After some investigation, the experts found that the pilots
had come in too slowly and tried but failed to abort their landing... Surprising they had
trouble with that in California...
...had it been a Texas
airport,... you could see why...
an abortion ...could
have been a problem. ...It
was a last-minute request, ...it was just before the scheduled delivery, ...and
there was no way to look at an ultrasound
beforehand ...as all portable electronic devices
had been stowed away for landing.
was a Samsung executive
on board the flight who actively tweeted about the crash... Did you see that?
Samsung executive, David Eun tweeted
that it was the worst
aviation crash he had ever witnessed...
is, since his Galaxy III
went dead during a recent
game of Angry Birds...
it when that happens! Hate it.
in Egypt that Arab
Spring movement isn’t looking too good these days, is it? ...They’re back at it
again in Cairo with riots in the street,
terms of a government,
years under the heavy hand of Hosni
wouldn’t want something lighter?
come on people, ...can’t we find a better way than rioting to work out whether a lite
government should taste
great or be less
was this old beer commercial on TV, you see... you don’t, you don’t watch beer
commercials? You don’t watch TV! You just drink the beer? I see. OK
a crowd we have here this evening.
then over in Moscow, National
Security leaker Edward Snowden is still
stuck at the airport.
Tom Hanks in that Terminal movie. Remember that one?
“Kra-kro-sia, Kra-kro-sia” (thumbs up)
come on, it wasn’t that long ago! People in the back of the room are now
Googling Krakrosia. ...It
was a made up country name for that movie.
there’s been rumors about Snowden going to Venezuela to avoid being extradicted
back to the United States.
I think he’s desperate to go somewhere,
anywhere, where the airport Dunkin’ Donuts offers something other than deep fried perogies...
you can get pretty tired
of perogies pretty quickly, can’t you...
Pope Francis, the
recently elected pope just cleared John Paul the 2nd and
John the 23rd to be sainted this past week.
John the 23rd to be sainted this past week.
you see that? Yes it was on THE
Pope’s NEW social media site, ...Faith Book.
into social media these days...
as the announcement read, the Pope cleared the way for these two men to become saints. ...All this apparently after receiving
two draft picks and future considerations
from the Arizona Cardinals.
the Pope showed no forgiveness
for the New Orleans Saints’
recent bounty scandal, remember
that one? No forgiveness at all.
the Saints have a few more Hail
Mary’s to go before that one’s finally over and done with... Speaking of
Hail Mary’s, have you been to confession lately? ...Well, after seeing some of
your performances tonight, maybe some of you should go soon!
movie news, moving right along, this past weekend, the Lone Ranger came in a disappointing second
to Despicable Me.
saw Despicable Me?
saw the Lone Ranger?
who can blame audiences for being attracted to those cute minions, in Despicable Me....
know what I mean by all those little
yellow guys running around?... Sounds like a birthday party for Kim Jong-un of North Korea,
doesn’t it?... “Happy
Birthday to Me. Thank you, my nuclear family!” Apparently everyone in North Korea is part of
the big nuclear family, whether they want to be or not. ...Guy in the back is
now Googling North Korea.
this weekend’s box office could be the greatest undoing of an action star by
minions ...since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s former maid... introduced his bastard son to the press two years ago.
finally, Andy Murray
won the men’s singles title at Wimbledon,
making him the first British man to do so since Fred Perry in 1936....That’s
way back there, 77 years ago.
it brought back fond memories for Queen Elizabeth, yes, the Queen,... big tennis fan and who was
a young princess all those years ago. ...Hard to imagine now, but back then,
while she was in training
to be queen, ...she remembers going to Wimbledon in 1936 to see Fred Perry with
her royal training equipment, ...her royal training hat, gloves and purse ...and training bra.
Prince Charles is like, “Training bra? How dare you! No-one told me about wearing
royal training bra. Since
when was that part of the deal? Camilla?
Were you aware of this?”
says, “Yes, Charles, Now quiet, Duckie, I’m watching Game of Thrones on the tellie!” ...Yes, even the
royals watch Game of Thrones.
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