Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013, Open Mic, Tortuga Tavern, San Jose

Tortuga Tavern at the Super 8 Motel on the Alameda in San Jose


I heard about this open mic from a posting by Pete Munoz on the Bamboo Lounge page on Facebook. There were about 20 people there at 9:00, mostly performers. By the time I left at 10:15, it was getting full with patrons and, I'm guessing, hotel guests. It is an "anything goes" open mic, so lots of jokes about drugs, sex and sex and drugs. 
I kept mine clean and did James Bond and I actually have most of it memorized so I can work on the characterizations and look at the audience. I was on early and this audience didn't find it very funny, but that's OK and I'm not discouraged. I'm going to try performing after 10:00 PM next week and see if I get a better reception. 
This open mic location is also really close to my house and it is after Sylvia Vo's so I could do both on the same evening. 

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