Saturday, June 22, 2013

James Bond

James Bond


Bond: heroic voice

Small: high voice

Tonic: evil accent, high voice

<James Bond Theme 0:00>
NARRATOR:        I now present my new James Bond adventure, Liver Let Die. Here, I imagine these characters appearing on this stage.
Double Oh-Seven, himself, James Bond
BOND:            That’s Bond, James, Bond!
NARRATOR:        ...and his colleague, Agent Dick Small
SMALL:           That’s Small, Dick Small
NARRATOR:        ...and the evil genius, Lodka Tonic
TONIC:           Vi do I trifle vit such small dicks?..
BOND:            It is I, Bond, James Bond, here to save the world from this awful sketch. Dick, Dick, where are you?
SMALL:           <Panting> Hey, James, I’m here. <Panting> If you’d just listened to me,...we could have been here in time to stop this sketch from starting.
BOND:            Yes, Dick, we should have turned left at Albuquerque....
SMALL:           Why are we driving across the country in a used Chevy Van, anyway? <panting> Why aren’t we flying?
BOND:            Times are tough, Dick, we must tighten our belts.
SMALL:           I would if I could just sit in the passenger seat! <panting> why’d you kick me out of the van?  
BOND:            Your fidgety legs were stirring up my vodka. My vodka may be shaken but not stirred...
SMALL:           I thought we were a team, but this, this is all about you, James! You and all those damn women, your T&A. What about me? Am I not part of the team?..
BOND:            There is no I in team, Dick. Team is me ...with T&A. ...But, not necessarily in that order....
SMALL:           How’d we accumulate so much junk anyway?...
BOND:            Special equipment from Q plus a few tactical purchases....
SMALL:           Tactical purchases, like matching Grand Canyon martini glasses?...
BOND:            Those will be tactical for the team, me and my T&A. ...But, for now, we need to concentrate on saving the world.
TONIC:           Too late, Mr. Bond, for I, Lodka Tonic, evil genius and, how you say, ze big cock in ze criminal henhouse, Cock-a-doodle-doo! I have captured ze core essence of zis sketch’s unfunniness to carry out mine evil plans. HAHAHAHA
SMALL:           What plans are those, Mr. Tonic?...
TONIC:           Zat’s Herr Tonic to you, boy. Show some respect to ze big cock! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
                 Mr. Bond, I zee zat in zese tough times, Her Majezty’s Zecret Zervice has taken to recruiting zuch boys, Mr. Bond....
BOND:            Zecret Zervice?
TONIC:           Da, Zecret Zervice! Is zere somethink wrong with mine Englishk....
BOND:            No… but I’m not sure I’m buying your evil accent. ...Anyway, may I introduce my colleague, Agent Small.
SMALL:           Small, Dick, Small at your service, Herr Tonic.
TONIC:           It’s ze pleasure, Small Dick....
BOND:            Now that we have dispensed with the pleasantries, how do you plan to infect the population with this unfunniness?...
TONIC:           Through ze deep artesian wells that flow under ze Milwaukee.
SMALL:           Not the artesian wells!
TONIC:           Da! I will infect ze beer, ze very life blood of American society, with ze unfunniness. I will turn ze Miller time into ze killer time! HaHaHa. Cock-a-doodle-doo!...
BOND:            I assure you that we will not permit you to carry out your evil scheme....
TONIC:           Dumbkoffs, out of my vay, I’m off to ze Milwaukee!
SMALL:           Gosh, James, what do we do now?
BOND:            We use a gadget to stop him. Hand me the poisoned darts....
SMALL:           Sorry, we used up the poisoned darts to save Precious Patty from Petrov Peashooter in St. Petersburg....
BOND:            Damn it! Then hand me the laser gun..
SMALL:           Sorry, we broke the laser gun while saving Luscious Lucy from Lars Laffenov in Lubbock....
BOND:            Confound it! Then hand me that empty beer bottle....
SMALL:           Empty beer bottle?...
BOND:            Yes, from that table there.
SMALL:           Here you go...
<Long missile sound… Doink> <Music>
BOND:            Well, we’ve done it again, Dick: we’ve made the world safe for Miller time...
SMALL:           If it’s all the same to you, James, I’d prefer a Heineken.

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