Star Wars
Family Friendly
Obi-Wan: Elderly, breathy voice
Skywalker: high, impatient voice
Yoda: high voice
<<Star Wars theme 0:00>>
NARRATOR: A short while ago,
in a Buick Galaxy not too far from here, these characters were driving around
San Jose.
Obi-wan Kenobe
OBI-WAN: May the force be
with you.
NARRATOR: ...Luke Skywalker
SKYWALKER: Obi-wan forced me
to be here
NARRATOR: ...and Yoda
YODA: Quiet, young
Skywalker or feel the force of the back of my hand upside your head, you will!
YODA: Come, to rescue
this sketch have we. ...Swampy this planet appears, thinking what were you,
OBI-WAN: Yes, Luke, had you
truly used the force, ...we would have made that left turn at Albuquerque
...and been on our way to the rebel base by now.
SKYWALKER: Use the force, use
the force, that’s all you ever say to me, Obi-wan. Use the force, you’re like a
looping hologram.
YODA: A broken record,
you must mean!
record?! Holy death stars, just exactly
how old are you, anyway, Yoda?
YODA: Old enough to
deserve a little more respect, I am.
SKYWALKER: And you’re so
tall, Master Yoda, up till now, you’ve appeared as an alien munchkin. What
YODA: A Jedi mind trick,
I use, yes, just like the Jedi mind trick I use to force this audience to laugh
at your lame jokes. Hmmm?
OBI-WAN: Luke, you must not
lose faith in the force.
SKYWALKER: Yeah, whatever, like
when was the last time you used the force, Obi-wan? Like when you forced
yourself to attend that Justin Bieber concert with Chewbacca?
OBI-WAN: Yes, Luke, that
used a lot of force. ...Who knew that Chewy was such a belieber?
YODA: Quibble shall we
not, for I am the great Yoda, teacher of teachers here to rescue this so-called
sketch, I am.
SKYWALKER: So why do they
call you, Yoda, anyway?
OBI-WAN: That’s because,
Luke, back in his federation academy days, Master Yoda spent a lost weekend
with a party of curvy females on Alderon. Venus fly traps they were.
SKYWALKER: Venus fly traps?
What? Did they trap his fly?
OBI-WAN: Indeed they did!
First they called him over, ‘Yo, Daddy, Yo, Daddy!’ Yoda was over seven feet
tall in those days. The last thing anyone heard before his fly was trapped was,
‘Yo, Da…’ followed by an enormous sucking sound. <<sucking sound>>
Yo Da <<sucking sound>>
SKYWALKER: What? Like, she
sucked him off?
OBI-WAN: Yes, Luke, Yo Da
<<sucking sound>> She sucked about four feet of him off. ...Set his
light sabre permanently to stun if you can imagine.
YODA: Enough, that is!
All these lies! These fantastic lies, believe in, you do, and too freely, you
tell. Too much time watching blue holograms, you spend. Up will you shut your
big mouths or thrust I will my light sabre so far up Uranus, be seeing Pluto
you will! And a Jedi mind trick, it won’t be.
<<Pause>> <Set Wannabe to
audience reminds me of Han Solo.
YODA: Why, because jump
to light speed they are?
SKYWALKER: No, because they
appear to be cryogenically frozen like Solo was at the end of the Empire
Strikes Back.
OBI-WAN: Really, last time
I saw Han Solo, ...he was in a threesome with C- 3 PO and R2D2.
SKYWALKER: Really? Are 3 PO
and R2 tops or botts?
OBI-WAN: Last time I
checked, they were both botts.
SKYWALKER: Which explains why
they needed a threesome!
OBI-WAN: Well, we can’t do
any more good here. Let’s set our coordinates for a casino in the Vegas
cluster. OK, Luke?
SKYWALKER: Only if you don’t
force me to see Justin Beiber.
OBI-WAN: Oh no, I wouldn’t
do that. Yoda is keen on the Spice Girls.
YODA: Yo-Da, what I
want, what I really, really want, tell you. What you want, what you really,
really want, tell me. <Music 0:34> If be my lover, you want, then get
with my friends, you must!
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